As of late my family and I have been studying English lessons designed by my mother. We have rewritten the endings of well known fairy tales and fables. I find it very enjoyable to let my imagination flow wildly while completing this task.
I have decided to share with you all one of my more 'interesting' endings of a well known fairy tale, The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
....The second billy goat gruff told the fat troll to wait for his older brother who was sure to be much tastier then himself (gotta love these brother's loyalty to each other!) The troll, whose intelligence could be compared to that of a rock, agreed and let the little goaty go free.
Along came the eldest bro clip cloppin' chillin' to his music, he was a punk rocker and a wild one at that! His Goaty hair was arrayed into a spiky mohawk. The troll took one look at this supposedly juicy tidbit and sprang towards him, determined to devour him whole. His strong jaw's snapped shut around the punk rocker's head. A mighty roar escaped the troll's throat as he sprung back releasing the goat. The oldest goat's spiky mohawk had inflicted sever lacerations to the roof of the troll's tender mouth. The punk rocker oblivious to his near death, cranked the volume up on his portable speakers and let the music blare! The troll who was always a classic's man himself couldn't stand it any longer and ran off in disgust to nurse his wounds and find a good classics CD.
The eldest brother joined his family in the lush green meadow.
I completed that in roughly 5 minutes :D
I am looking forward to doing the three little pig's next :P
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
Winter time: The time of cold, the time of no swimming, the time of shorter days and the time of.......FIRES! BURNING OFF! BONFIRES AND IN GENERAL PYROMANIAC ACTS!!! BOOYEAHHHH!!! LOVE IT!!!!
Last night my family lit our bonfire located next to our house (ok so you have got to wonder about the wisdom of it's location....yeah i picked it ;) ) the timber and other flammable materials were very well dried out due to our lack of rain in the past month or two, it made for a very hot fire.
You know it's an awesome bonfire when your roosters start crowing thinking it's daylight!!

Of course the best thing about bonfire's is the marshmallows! :D yum yum.

Just like to add I think I am improving as I have posted again before my usually 7 month period, it only took me 2 months!! ;)
Last night my family lit our bonfire located next to our house (ok so you have got to wonder about the wisdom of it's location....yeah i picked it ;) ) the timber and other flammable materials were very well dried out due to our lack of rain in the past month or two, it made for a very hot fire.
Of course the best thing about bonfire's is the marshmallows! :D yum yum.
Just like to add I think I am improving as I have posted again before my usually 7 month period, it only took me 2 months!! ;)
Sunday, June 3, 2012
It's been a while
Ok so it has been a while since my last blog post - 7 months! - so I think an update is in order.
At the moment i am preparing my self for my drivers test this coming Monday, where if I pass, I will be on my red P's.
I have almost completely stopped working so that I can concentrate on school for the next 2 years. I now only work on Saturday.
My current plan is to finish year 12 and go to uni to do a Liberal Arts degree.
I am learning Clarinet and while I am very new at it, I am really enjoying it :)
I have had my 17th birthday.
We have started our deck.
My sister has left home and is now at uni.
I went to South Australia in April for two weeks on holiday. I had my first plane trip going there.
That concludes some of the few major updates of the past 7 months. While I would like to say I will post again regularly, no guarantees ;)
At the moment i am preparing my self for my drivers test this coming Monday, where if I pass, I will be on my red P's.
I have almost completely stopped working so that I can concentrate on school for the next 2 years. I now only work on Saturday.
My current plan is to finish year 12 and go to uni to do a Liberal Arts degree.
I am learning Clarinet and while I am very new at it, I am really enjoying it :)
I have had my 17th birthday.
We have started our deck.
My sister has left home and is now at uni.
I went to South Australia in April for two weeks on holiday. I had my first plane trip going there.
That concludes some of the few major updates of the past 7 months. While I would like to say I will post again regularly, no guarantees ;)
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Blade Boards

The Great Hall is one of the turning points. Being such a large space we thought, 'why not do more with it'? So that's what we did. My younger brother climbed up into the rafters and tied a rope so that it was dangling down to about his chest height. We used the rope to spin around the Great Hall and used the momentum to propel us back down the hallway, or to just keep spinning faster, and faster, until we were too dizzy to continue.
My younger sister invented the method of yelling KARKAR! (same noise as in robots for their alert word) as we shoot back down the hallway, this was to avoid fatalities.
(the rope is a bit hard to see)
Today I came up with a fun but dangerous game 'blade board jousting'. I made two jousting poles by attaching padded boxing gloves onto the end of two straight short solid poles, next I duct taped towels along the whole length, so not a bit of wood would be left unprotected to inflict injures.
After making a couple of makeshift cardboard shields, we were ready to joust.
The objective: knock your opponent off their blade board.
Gathering a big run up from either end of the house we charged!

Monday, October 10, 2011
Being on a grain free diet makes it difficult to find recipes for pizza, the few recipes I have found, haven't always turned out, so I created my own.

I modified a pancake recipe drastically, then I fried three of my modified pancakes on my crepe maker, smeared BBQ sauce on each one, before stacking them on top of each other, with cheese in between one of the layers as well, making a triple decked pizza.

Now comes the topping:
cabanossi, salami, bacon, (I am most defiantly not a vegetarian) Pineapple, a little bit of capsicum and finally I finished it off with I heavy sprinkle of cheese.
The triple decked layers and texture of the pancakes caused the ending result to be a wonderful fat, spongy, pizza.

Sunday, October 9, 2011
My Sister's Birthday
After a early wake up call to open presents, we started the preparations for the oncoming party.
at 1:30PM the guests started to arrive, their cars quickly filling up our yard.
Then the party games were quickly underway, as all the children were eager to begin.
I was in charge of all the music for the games.
After a treasure hunt that lead them all back inside for party food, my sister opened her presents from her guest's.
Then people started to leave in fear of an incoming storm, which had been brewing all day.
Hope you had a great day M....., we all love you very much.
Camp & Friends
Over the past couple of weeks we have been quite busy. We went to our annual Catholic Homeschool camp, then our camp friends from South Australia, came back to stay at our place for another wonderful week.
At camp my young brother and sister made their Confirmation and first Holy Communion, with the Bishop.

At camp my young brother and sister made their Confirmation and first Holy Communion, with the Bishop.

I joined in the choir for the first time, It's going to take me a long time to be able to sing in Latin.

We had a big dance night Wednesday night, first time boys have actually attended.
I learnt swing dancing, thanks to a wonderful teacher, Elyse B (shes the girl I'm dancing with in the first photo below)

Thursday morning was the day of the sports day, which for me involved getting up early to help set up, then participating in sports till lunch time.

(I'm the one in the blue shirt)
We had a big dance night Wednesday night, first time boys have actually attended.
I learnt swing dancing, thanks to a wonderful teacher, Elyse B (shes the girl I'm dancing with in the first photo below)

Thursday morning was the day of the sports day, which for me involved getting up early to help set up, then participating in sports till lunch time.

(I'm the one in the blue shirt)
Thursday night was the concert night I was MC this year, which meant I had permission to tell lame jokes, much to the delight of the audience :)

After the bonfire the annual staying up all night for the teens commenced, sadly for the first time, I was unable to attend I had to go to bed at 3:00Am because I had my soccer grand finals the next day.

(At the beginning of the night)

(Near the end)

(At the beginning of the night)

(Near the end)
Some of the things we do on the all nighter is pig out on junk food. We also do shots with fizzy drink (fizzy drinking competition), just what every parent wants their good Catholic teens to do. I just lost the contest coming seconded by a second or two, which meant losing my title from the previous year.

Friday morning we packed up and left, only to find that half the camp had come home with us. Three camp families had come to our place for lunch and to see our extensions we have been working on for the house.
Over the next week we had the M family (our friends from South Australia) stay with us. along with another local family from camp coming around most nights for tea, meant 27 people at the tables.

Friday morning we packed up and left, only to find that half the camp had come home with us. Three camp families had come to our place for lunch and to see our extensions we have been working on for the house.
Over the next week we had the M family (our friends from South Australia) stay with us. along with another local family from camp coming around most nights for tea, meant 27 people at the tables.

The first Friday they all came to my soccer game to be my cheer squad with two other local families there supporting me, I had a total of 36 people cheering me on. They took up a whole stand. With support like that you would expect my team to win, but sadly we lost 7-0, yeah we got flattened :).
That night we all caught an awfull vomiting bug, it must have been a wonderful holiday for our friends (I will not be showing you any pictures of it!). after one day, almost everyone was better and we were able to go back to having fun.
We all immensely enjoyed riding the dune buggy around the paddocks.

That night we all caught an awfull vomiting bug, it must have been a wonderful holiday for our friends (I will not be showing you any pictures of it!). after one day, almost everyone was better and we were able to go back to having fun.
We all immensely enjoyed riding the dune buggy around the paddocks.

Some of our guest's I instructed in driving the buggy, about 4-5 people were taught by me (and no they didn't crash it).

There were also big games of Halo multiplayer between our two families
After a week of fun, we enjoyed a movie night on the last night before the Ms left for the long trip home.

There were also big games of Halo multiplayer between our two families
After a week of fun, we enjoyed a movie night on the last night before the Ms left for the long trip home.

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